Orchids from the Atlanta Orchid Society Show March 2016


I enjoy the yearly Orchid Society show at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens every March–It’s a real treat–This is my second year clerking for the American Orchid Society judges–You can learn a lot locating the plants for the judges and listening as they discuss the various plants and exhibits–The lighting in Day Hall at the ABG is not the best, so pictures were challenging–I took a lot of photos despite this, but did not include many of the labels, preferring to focus on the flowers–Therefore, no ID on most unless you can see the label in a few instances:


Cattleya, above–

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Another Cattleya, not sure if it’s a hybrid or species–Loved this one–

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This one is BLC Triumphal Coronation-


A close-up–

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A fantastic Cattleya hybrid–

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This one had great color–Possibly a Ascofinetia hybrid–

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This Cattleya has fantastic coloring–One of my favorites–


Another of my favorites in the show–Comparettia speciosa–The somewhat out-of-focus image poorly conveys the intense orange of this species’ flowers–It’s on my list now–

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This Jumellea arachnanthe was awarded first place by our group of judges–I took this photo beforehand, and placed the ribbon on it later–


A close-up of the flowers–This was one well-grown specimen–


A Lycaste hybrid–Huge flower, too–

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Love the umbel of bright yellow blooms on this Bulbophyllum


Cattleya schroderae–On my list for a while–What a great show–Coming up, a selection of photos from Orchid Daze, the Atlanta Botanical Garden’s spring orchid extravaganza—











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