Around the Yard

Just a few things in bloom–

Lobelia cardinalis–One of my favorite flowers–Lately my appreciation of red flowers of all kinds has grown tremendously–

Last fall when we moved into our new home things were a bit crazy and I had to put this plant in a temporary bed by a fence–Next spring it will have permanent home–

This orchid is BC Hippodamia–A cross between brassavola nodosa and a cattleya aclandiae–A first bloomer for me, I didn’t realize it was in bloom until I went to water–I love how orchids will sit forever and then one day, surprise!–

Nothing extraordinary, but the blossoms on this hosta have been hummingbird favorites–

And of course, I have to include one of the moonflowers:

This evening the vine on the compost fence has 6 blooms–Last night there were 7–Each bloom lasts for one night–Heavenly fragrance–I have another moonflower planted in a more sunny location in the yard–This one in partial shade has thus far outperformed it, but both vines are vigorous growers–

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