Orchids In Bloom

All the orchids are in the garage for the winter–I’ve set up a grow space with shelves, table, and extra lighting–A few things are blooming now–

This is Cattleya walkeriana var coerulea–The “blue” form of the species–Below, a closeup of the delicately veined lip–A native of Brazil, it has a delicious fragrance–

The oncidiums are also blooming–This noid is an intergeneric hybrid, probably with odontoglossom in the mix–I love the rich contrast between the very different colors in the blooms–

Another bloom opened on one of the noid cattleyas, also a coerulea:

These are also wonderfully scented flowers having the classic, intensely sensual Cattleya fragrance–I acquired this plant from an auction of an older collector who needed to pare down her collection–I had no idea what the plant would present bloom-wise, but I’m so glad I got it!–