Dendrobium Unicum

This is Dendrobium unicum, a species of orchid native to Thailand:


D. unicum is a small plant, the canes are 7 inches at their longest on this guy–


The buds are just opening–In a week he will be one big riot of intense orange–


I got him last year when he was in bloom and I am glad to say this year he has bloomed for me


I don’t grow a lot of Dendrobiums–This is one I had to try, and I am glad I did–


Once All the buds are open I will post an update–


Bletilla Striata

One of my favorite orchids and an easy one to grow here in Georgia is Bletilla striata, a species from China and Japan


Bletilla striata is very common in yards around Atlanta–This species survives the winters here and can grow into large, impressive clumps–


I grow mine in terra cotta pots–This year they wintered under the pecan tree in the yard, covered by a layer of mulch–Now they sit with other pots of Bletillas on the steps of the deck–There they get dappled sunlight–I love the ruffles on the lip–


Bletillas are inexpensive compared to other orchids, and well worth choosing for the yard–The pleated leaves are a striking landscape feature when they are not in bloom–